AQUADUR is a two-component, water based, epoxy coating. It has a track record of more than 20 years...
MICRPRIMER PU is a one component, low viscosity, 100% aliphatic polyurethane based primer suitable for all substrates.It is characterised by its very low viscosity, excellent impregnation, non-yellowing (non-staining) properties combined with a relatively fast cure speed and most importantly its excellent adhesion on both non-porous and porous substrates. The cured film displays good mechanical properties: Its elongation is >50%, and its tensile strength surpasses 40 N/mm2.
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Product Details
- Primer for Hyperseal Sealants when a non staining primer is required
- Primer for ceramic tiles
- Primer for non-porous substrates like glass, marble & metals
- Concrete sealer
- 100% Aliphatic Polyurethane; No yellowing, No staining
- One component.
- Low viscosity
- Relatively quick curing
- Adheres strongly, even on glassy, non-porous substrates
- Excellent wetting, impregnation and paint-over time
- Many pigment pastes available
- Primer for Hyperseal Sealants when a non staining primer is required
- Primer for ceramic tiles
- Primer for non-porous substrates like glass, marble & metals
- Concrete sealer
- 100% Aliphatic Polyurethane; No yellowing, No staining
- One component.
- Low viscosity
- Relatively quick curing
- Adheres strongly, even on glassy, non-porous substrates
- Excellent wetting, impregnation and paint-over time
- Many pigment pastes available
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